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  A couple of functions to do Coldfusion like query debugging
  global Vector debugQueries = new Vector();
  global Vector debugQueryTimes = new Vector();
  global Vector debugQueryResults = new Vector();

  MySQLResultSet doQuery(MySQLConnection conn, String qry){
     MySQLResultSet r;
     long t;

     r = conn.query(qry);

     debugQueryTimes.add(new Long(t));
     debugQueryResults.add(new Integer(r.size()));

     return r;

  void doDebugQueries(){
     int i;
        print "<p><pre>";
        print <String>debugQueries.get(i);
        print "</pre>\n";
        print "Results Returned: "+str((<Integer>debugQueryResults.get(i)).getValue()) + "<br>\n";
        print "Execution Time: "+str((<Long>debugQueryTimes.get(i)).getValue()) + "<br>\n";
 Include these function definitions at the beginning of your page. Instead of calling query() on your connection directly, call the doQuery function instead passing the connection as its first argument.


At the end of your page you can then call the doDebugQueries() function to see the text, rows returned, and execution time , of each of the queries that was executed on your page

$if(getValue("debug")!= null) <hr> $do(doDebugQueries()) $endif