A couple of functions to do Coldfusion like query debugging |
global Vector debugQueries = new Vector();
global Vector debugQueryTimes = new Vector();
global Vector debugQueryResults = new Vector();
MySQLResultSet doQuery(MySQLConnection conn, String qry){
MySQLResultSet r;
long t;
r = conn.query(qry);
debugQueryTimes.add(new Long(t));
debugQueryResults.add(new Integer(r.size()));
return r;
void doDebugQueries(){
int i;
print "<p><pre>";
print <String>debugQueries.get(i);
print "</pre>\n";
print "Results Returned: "+str((<Integer>debugQueryResults.get(i)).getValue()) + "<br>\n";
print "Execution Time: "+str((<Long>debugQueryTimes.get(i)).getValue()) + "<br>\n";
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| Include these function definitions at the beginning of your page.
Instead of calling query() on your connection directly, call the
doQuery function instead passing the connection as its first argument.
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At the end of your page you can then call the doDebugQueries() function
to see the text, rows returned, and execution time , of each of the
queries that was executed on your page
$if(getValue("debug")!= null) <hr> $do(doDebugQueries()) $endif
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Copyright © 2000 - 2003 David Hakim