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Design Docs
Ready to get down and dirty with the moto codebase? Here's some (very dirty) design documentation that you can use to find your way around the different files and subsystems that make up the moto language.

File Description Version*
Array Design Design documentation for adding arrays to moto 0.9.0 n
Byte Design Design documentation for adding the atomic byte datatype to moto 0.14.0
Class Design Design doc for the initial implementation of moto defined classes 0.10.0
Dynamic Loader Document describing the re-factoring of the moto dynamic loader 0.17.0
Dynamic Types Document describing the re-factoring of the type system to provide for dynamic verification of higher order and array types 0.19.0
Exception Design Design documentation for moto exception handling 0.17.0
Function Design Design Doc for the initial implementation of functions in moto 0.9.0 m
Higher Order Functions Rough documentation describing the changes that were necessary (over and above dynamic typing) to implement higher order functions in moto 0.19.0
MXC Redesign Document describing one of the later re-designs of MXC 0.17.0

* Moto Version In Which Design Was Used

CVS Tree
You can browse the Moto repository via the web at the following URL: