Use Cases
Create your own moto pages or download scripts / pages off the internet.
Arrange them under your documents directory however you like. Test the site.
When you're happy with how it works, type:
%mmc -n sitename path to document directory | |
Take the compiled website (mod_sitename.so) and install it in the libexec directory of your
apache installation. Restart apache and now your website is running at native application
speeds (faster even than static pages can be served).
2. Create a directory tree of moto pages that make up a server side web application.
Test the application in the interpreted environment. After appropriate QA, complile it
using mmc
%mmc -n appname path to application directory | |
Take the compiled application and distribute it online or burned on a cd without
giving away the source code. Users, customers, clients will not even need moto or
any other third party 'runtime' environment to run it.
3. Mix and match your own moto pages, compiled web applications, or third party compiled
moto apps into a seamlessly integrated website.
Copyright © 2000 - 2003 David Hakim